It's like when I was in elementary school and we would count how many days of school we had.
And when we reached day 100 we had a huge party. I remember the only reason I liked it was because there was a lot of food.
And in second grade, food was pretty much all that I lived for.
So yeah. 100th post. Alright.
I guess this makes me a pro at blogging.
Just kidding. I'm a noob at heart.

hooray for a hundred posts! congrats! haha. :D
also, foooooooood.
Yay for 100 posts!!!!!!! :D
FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! :D Lol, the main reason I'd go to a party is for food. XD
yay, 100! i had completely forgotten to write a 'yay-i-reached-100-posts' thing for my blog when i had gotten to that much. :(
Katt: Psh, I only did a 100 posts because I had nothing else to talk about.
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