I guess we all have to wait until 2012 for the world to end.
And if it doesn't happen, historians will still later somehow find another prediction of the apocalypse written on some rock by the ancient Spartans.
Wash, rinse, and repeat.
This way, the thrill never ends.

I don't get it.
Everyone kept updating facebook today to inform me they were still alive.
Why was it doomsday? What happened? Why didn't anybody warn me?
Apparently, the Bible said that on May 21, 2011 at 6pm, the world would end and people would go to either heaven or hell.
If you Google it, you'll probably find a barrage of articles about it.
My best friend and I are texting yesterday and this is our topic. She was asking me if I believe it, I said no. Then I texted her on midnight telling her I was right.
I actually forgot all about the fact that we're supposed to be dead right now. Oh well.
haha someone texted me laaaaate at night about this and i was like, nothing will happen, go back to sleep, fool -.-
"wash, rinse, and repeat" <- that was clever, Fiona :O
Haha My facebook was spammed with goodbyes at 6 -.- and then at 11pm everyone was talking about a zombie apocalypse. How very strange us humans can be...
moving on to the next prediction. 2012 anyone? haha.
End of the world doesn't exist. Big changes, however, may come.
Mayen: Nothing feels better than a nice big "I told you so." :D
Jodie-Ann: LOL. Whoops. The world was supposed to end? Sorry, I forgot. Hahahaha.
Furree: I would have pretended to freak out and made that person you were texting stay up all night filled with terror. [:
ZoeWrites: I don't understand how the idea of a zombie apocalypse got out there.
... I mean really? Zombies?
Ishashime: 2012 was an... interesting movie. xD
Fang: You'd be surprised how many people DO believe in the end of the world...
someone on fb said:
"everyone's status reads how funny it is that we're still alive. how awkward would it be if [may 21] is just delayed."
Lucy: Heh. That WOULD be awkward. xD
S: Thanks! [:
Haha! You're hilarious!
Why thank you!
I didn't believe it for a second. Nobody knows when the world would end. I mean, if ever it will happen, it will come like a thief in the night. Just like what the Angel of Death did in Egypt... (bible).. Unlike this one, so much drama and publicity. lol
Followed you, btw. Hope you could follow back and leave comments, every now and then. Good'day! :)
that same preacher is now saying that he messed up, and that the rapture is actually going to happen in october...i guess it kind of fits the whole halloween theme.
Woot for being alive.
iWas at this party & all of a sudden people started clapping that we were still alive.
iWas chilling in the back like:
Yeah & What ~
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