And today I found one.
On the description of a tissue box.
This is what it said:
The right touch to turn your day around. Whether you're stuck in a rough patch, feeling under the weather, or just in need of some extra kindness and care, KLEENEX Ultra Soft tissue will pamper you with indulgent softness that lifts your spirits and inspires a smile.
I seriously don't know if I should be amused by just how ridiculous and absurd this is, or impressed by the wordiness.
But the one thing I know is that's the most hardcore tissue description that I've ever seen.
And I can't believe that I just blogged about a tissue box.

this is too funny. lol.
Haha XD Kleenex is pretty cocky.
Maybe they can finally do away with prozac and prescribe tissues instead.
haha.. I agree with most hardcore tissue description.
wow. too funny. haha. *rushes to buy a kleenex tissue box*
:D :D
such little things that make u happy woaa
cute. haha! it's one of my can't-live-without. :)
saw your blog through mayen. following you now. :)
Dirtycowgirl: Who needs prozac when you have tissues? I mean seriously.
And I'm glad you guys found this amusing as well. [:
at least you blogged about something cute! :D
iWould date that tissue box ~
& Guess what ~?!
When there is no option, you win. x P
Got it from the Blog Writer.
o hai!
you're pretty awesome too
followed back.
I've heard a lot of good about you on more blogs than one, so I came to visit. :)
You've got a sweet blog. I really like this post.
Furree: Um.. I'm glad you find tissues cute? ahaha.
iZaynab: I would date it too. We're normal.
Weissy: Awesome!
Blog Writer: Thank you!
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