Would you like to hear a story?
Once upon a time there was this boy named Ben and this girl named Fiona.
Ben and Fiona happened to be sitting next to each other on the bus. Because Fiona was tired and had a massive headache, she wasn't willing to strike up a gripping conversation with Ben.
But Ben took this personally and called her a loner.
And then Ben proceeded to preach to Fiona about the importance of relationships, and how instead of going home, it would benefit your life more if you went out made friends.
Thoroughly ticked off, Fiona went home, took some Tylenol and then furiously blogged about their encounter.
The end.
Am I a loner? Maybe.
I'm just not someone who puts a priority on friendships.
I put my family as a first.
Then my studies and schoolwork.
Then my extracurricular activities, like swimming and bassoon.
Perhaps after that would come friendships and my relationship with others.
It's quite far down the list.
I'm aware that my beliefs are much different than most people. I'm extremely realistic and frank, almost painfully so.
I know what I'm capable of achieving, and I know when things are out of my reach.
I also very conscious about money.
I don't lust after things I know my family can't afford, so naturally I've learned not to ask.
Because of this, I especially hate people who complain about things they don't have.
I think it's disgusting how all they can think about is themselves, and how they don't realize how lucky they are to be in the position to be able to worry about petty things like that.
I'm sometimes perceived as a nasty person because I don't like to give fake praise.
If someone asks me for their opinion on their work, I will give my truthful thoughts on it. I won't sugarcoat it, or just simply say that it's good.
If I don't like it, I will tell them and say why.
Which nine times out of ten, cause them to get angry at me. Which I don't get.
Don't ask for my honest opinion if you aren't willing to listen to what I have to say.
And that concludes the end of my spiel.
I know that it was chaotic and you probably didn't follow half of my thoughts.
But it feels good to let that out.
I really hope that this post doesn't change how you think about me.